One-third of food produced globally is lost or wasted. Given the many starving people and poor levels of nutrition around the world, reducing this waste appear to be a key global priority. By 2050, the global population will reach 9.1 Billion. If current levels of food loss and waste are maintained, food production will need to increase by as much as 70 percent in developing countries alone, requiring investment of $83 Billion a year. This edition concentrates on the effort of Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), having recognized the importance of an unbroken cold chain system in the horticultural value chain to significantly reduce Postharvest Losses (PHL) of fresh fruits and vegetables (FFVs) as well as other agricultural produce in Nigeria.
Another central story in this edition is the importance of adopting the use of technology within the Manufacturing sector through the use of new age technology and the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) which provided connectivity of Machines and Devices. With this high use of internet connectivity in the country the stage is set for a technological revolution in the Manufacturing Sector.
Additionally, there is a special highlight on the Eurasia Packaging Fair in Istanbul, Turkey from October 25 – 28, 2017, the Nigeria Delegation will be there. Our regular columns – Industry News, Packaging for SMEs/Packaging for Export, World Packaging Insight, Africa the Rising Continent, Events Diary, are all captured.
Nigeria Packaging Journal, Nigeria’s Premier Publication on the fast-growing packaging industry, welcome you to yet another edition on trends and information on Packaging around Nigeria and world