Flexofit Ghana Seminar in Accra

Flexofit Seminar Ghana Participants -Group Photo

World leading companies connect with local expert audience

Flexofit Seminar Ghana Participants -Group Photo
Flexofit Seminar Ghana Participants -Group Photo

-By Paula Landes; presse@mocialsedia.de


The Flexofit GmbH successfully held their first international Flexofit Seminar in Accra, Ghana on the 6th September 2016. The Labadi Beach Hotel welcomed European industry experts from world leading printing industry companies and the local expert audience in the Omanye Conference Centre.

After an introduction by Hans-Peter Hormann, General Manager of Flexofit, Hilde van Eetvelde, Software Application Specialist and Pierre Feltgen, Sales Manager from Esko in Belgium introduced their company to the Ghanaian market.

Karla Grey and-Peter Hormann Welcoming audience & Introducing Flexofit
Karla Grey and-Peter Hormann Welcome Audience Introducing-Flexofit
Mr. Pierre Feltgen- Sales Manager - Esko-Belgium.
Mr. Pierre Feltgen- Sales Manager – Esko-Belgium.

Next up Vincent Marzin, Sales Manager Germany from Tesa presented the latest company inventions. DuPont de Nemours showed their impressive advancements in the flexo printing industry. An introduction to the latest innovations in flexo printing from Chespa in Poland was offered by Tomasz Maraszek, Area Sales Manager and Marek Siekiera, CEO of Chespa.

Mr. Vincent Marzin. sales Manager, Tesa Se Germany
Mr. Vincent Marzin. sales Manager, Tesa Se Germany
Mr. Marek Siekiera Owner, Chespa Poland.
Mr. Marek Siekiera Owner, Chespa Poland.

At the end of the day an open discussion on the challenges of the printing industry in Ghana delivered valuable insights both to the European speakers as well as the participants of the seminar. The networking around the event was mutually perceived as very valuable.

The Flexofit seminar is knowledge sharing, introduction of new technology and development in printing and packaging as well as adhesive technique. This educative and informative seminar is a great initiative for the growth of our country. We hope to see more of this in the future”, said Ishmael Tetteh, Director at Printek Ghana Limited.

Our first seminar in Ghana further improved our regional connections and we were delighted to welcome a broad range of printers from all over the country. The level of expertise at the seminar was quite impressive.” comments Hans-Peter Hormann, General Manager, Flexofit. “We also saw a lot of networking around the presentations which achieved fruitful interaction. We are looking forward to our upcoming Flexofit Seminars and expect a similar successful outcome for all parties involved.

Following the seminar in Accra the next Flexofit Seminar will take place in Nairobi, Kenya in October 2016. Other upcoming seminars this year are taking place in South Africa and Mauritius.

Karla Grey and Hans-Peter Hormann founded the Flexofit GmbH in 2015 in Bad Vilbel in Germany. As consultants, they are connecting European producers of print technology with industry experts in the African and Asian markets. Flexofit transfers profound knowledge of the Flexo technology in seminars and workshops according to the specific requirements of the countries and their markets.

Personal Certificates for participation for all Attendees
Personal Certificates for participation for all Attendees