APF 42nd General Assembly Hold talks in Sri-Lanka on Developing Asian Packaging Industry

AsiaStar  known as Packaging Oscars in Asia

Asian Packaging Federation (APF) of which Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD), is 1st Vice President, met in Colombo, capital city of Sri Lanka, from December 11-17, 2017 for 42nd General Assembly, AsiaStar 2017 Jury Meeting and Awards Ceremony. The meeting was hosted by Sri Lanka Institute of Packaging. The representatives of packaging industry in Asia continent were in attendance.

AsiaStar Jury Meeting, APF Executive Meeting & General Assembly and AsiaStar Awards Ceremony took place respectively during the gathering. Delegates from Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Turkey performed business development tasks and collaborations in the consultations for developing Asian packaging industry.

AsiaStar 2017 Awards Ceremony was also hosted by Sri Lanka Institute of Packaging simultaneously with the National Competition of Sri Lanka, Lanka Star.

AsiaStar is known as the Packaging Oscars in Asia region. Among 232 applications from 9 countries, more than 100 products won AsiaStar.

APF will meet in Tokyo for the 50th Anniversary by 2018 

Asian Packaging Federation (APF) will meet for the 50th Anniversary, General Assembly, Executive Meeting and AsiaStar 2018 Jury Meeting & Awards Ceremony by the October this year in Tokyo where APF was established. The hosting organizations will be the Japan Packaging Institute and Tokyo Pack exhibition.
